
Konichiwa! This is just a lil post in between my main second day posts and I really wanted to share it with you but it's short and all that. Also, a very happy Easter to all of you lovelies [or Passover if you celebrate that!], I'm an Atheist so Easter basically just means chocolate and a well deserved break so I'm very excited for that!

On Wednesday, our school did an sort of thing where you can send Easter eggs to one another [similar to Rose Day] and I was lucky enough to receive six eggs from my wonderful friends. I just thought I'd share them with you as I love my friends and I think it's such a sweet idea whether you do it yourself or with some sort of organisation!

So, thank you to Susan, Shay, Laura, Katherine, Lisa, Ashley and Ananya. You girls are the best and I love you all. Ashley and Ananya's letter made me very happy as I thought it was so lovely that they think that about me! "To Elizabeth, You always give to others so we thought you deserved one! HAPPY EASTER!" and Ashley drew a cute drawing of me and my bunnies!

Have a wonderful holiday and I shall see you with a post tomorrow!

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